This weekend I went with a friend to Virginia Beach. We had planned to go whale watching but he weather wouln't cooperate. And over the weekend I turned 16. My life is flashing before my eyes. Just kidding.
Megan(my friend) is trapped in a fishing net at the aquarium.

They had Komodo Dragons there. Why they were in an aquarium I don't know, but they were very cool.

The otters were my favorite part of the whole day.
This mama otter had babies behind the log pile. Cute!

The otters were great fun, but they moved so fast it was quite hard to get a picture of them.

Puffer fish!
One of the ugliest fish in the world.
Megan's new best friend!
The aquarium also had an aviary, which was neat.
A duck.
I wonder if these two are siblings. Somehow it looks like it. :)
More ducks. They had lots of them.
And more ducks.
And yet MORE ducks!
They also had a Great Blue Heron, one inside the cage and another out side, trying to get in.

A glareing owl.