Sorry, we seem to be busy every night these days so it's kinda hard to blog. Tuesday night Uncle Stuart, Aunt Amy, Nixon(2), and Jeb(5 mo.) were at Grandmother and Granddaddy's house. Nixon is simply bursting with energy and is, therefore, very entertaining. Meanwhile, Jeb was giving extensive lectures on, well, I guess I don't know exactly what they were about, but he seemed to think they were important.


And here's Jeb.

Nathan and Nixon are wrestling or something like that.
On Wednesday they came to our house. We didn't manage to get any pictures, though.
This week Mama made cheese. The fun part of making cheese is stretching it. And if Katie helps, she likes to make cheese sticks.
She made monzerella and riccota cheese.
This weekend we had a revival in town. Katie and I helped with it. It was very good and I enjoyed it. What I thought was really cool was that almost all of the planning, etc. was done by teens.
This is Kaylin Carter who had the idea for the revival.
Of course, we had basketball this week. Last night Nathan had a tournement game, which his team won. On Friday, he will be playing for the championship. Ben's tournament games start tomorrow. My season will end in a week or so. Hannah