Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas to all!

Merry Christmas everyone, and thank you Father, for your ultimate gift of Jesus Christ.

We had a massive snow last week. We couldn't get many pictures because Mama couldn't get off the porch very well. I believe the grand total was 28 inches. Ben measured 33 in one of the drifts. We had lots of fun. And for the first time in years we had a very white Christmas.

Katie got a hiking backpack. She is thrilled because of the backpack. I am thrilled because we won't be fighting over the other one we have, next year at camp.

Ben got a basketball and a million legos. Literally.

Nathan's face mask.

And what did Hannah get? A new camera! Yes, so now I don't have to wait on Katie to supply pictures.

Ah yes, I nearly forgot, I got my hair cut last Tuesday. It was quite a shock to have all of it off, but I like it this way. It was getting heavy and kind of hard to take care of.

Katie and I made a gingerbread house this morning, we got a set from our cousins, along with matching aprons. Here is the final product.

Just kidding, this is the picture shown on the box it came in. Unfortunately, ours was not that perfect.
We begin.

The directions used these candy colors for their snowman, but the red eyes do look a little demonic don't you think?

We finally decided to switch colors with the eyes and buttons.

Behold, the American Taj Mahal! ( drum roll)

We had to cheat though, and hold our snowman up with toothpicks.

TADA!! We are very proud of our chimney, which managed to defy gravity all the way up to consumption.

Here is Katie with the finished product.

I thought the masterpiece needed ears. Don't you? It looks much better with ears.

And here are the Kitchen Queens. We are all alive and the house is still intact.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Hello all!

We had our Thansgiving break last week and we tried to spend it with both families, Mama's and Daddy's. We spent Thanksgiving day at Mama's parents' house. This is Granddaddy, thinking deeply over his coffee.

And below is Mama's brother's little boy, Jeb. He is the younger of two boys. He has an older brother named Nixon, who is just as cute. Don't you just love those big blue eyes?

Jeb got hungry.

Must not have tasted very good.

Jeb, with his mom, Amy.

And here is my mom. Love you!

Aunt Amy and Jeb.

Jeb escapes.

Hannah got bored, or curious.

You may have been wondering where Nixon went, well here he is, helping to work a puzzle. We couldn't get many pictures of him becouse he moves so fast. Particularly a certain region directly beneath the nose.

Finally, here is dinner. Delicious, as always.

Friday we left to go to see Daddy's family. Daddy's sister and parents were there and so we had a full house. There were three dogs all in one house. Nathan and Ben are playing with Sandy and Tasha.

Grandpapa with his funnies. :)

This is my cousin Anna and I playing war. She won by a long shot.


This is various reletives before our second Thanksgiving dinner.

Grandmama and Aunt Mary Kathryn.

Grandmama in her kitchen.

Daddy and Peter

Thank you God for my family!

Daddy and I are singing in a local chorale, Daddy didn't get downstairs in time for the picture. He would have been wearing a tux, and here's my dress. -Hannah

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Oh my, it's been a month since I posted. I do have an excuse, though. We had a bit of computer issues so we were out of comission for awhile.
We haven't done a whole lot this fall besides school and soccer. Katie and Ben's soccer is over. They won nearly all their games, but three. They also got to play in a U16 tournament, which was alot of fun. Mainly because I got to play, too. I'm too old to play in the regular season but since this time they were playing against teams with older kids on it I got to play as well. It was a blast. I had forgotten a little bit over the summer how much I loved soccer, but this reminded me again. Anyhow,we had three games and lost two of them. We played really well, but when I said some of the kids were older, I meant seniors in high school. So we did play well for our age level.
Nathan's team is still undefeated and his team is going to the State finals in two weeks, yay Nathan! So we will be in Parkersburg soon.

I say we, but Daddy, Katie, and I are going to a Shakespeare prodution of Much Ado about Nothing. That should be funny. I read it recently and Beatrice is hilarious. Speaking of which, Daddy and I went to Macbeth this morning. I hope ther are no serious Shakespeare fanatics in our midst. I thought it was kinda weird. I like Shakespeare enough and the acting was excellent, but story lines that involve characters carrying around severed heads, well, I call that strange. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Much Ado much more.

Last week we had cousins in and we all went to see Monticello. It was gorgeous. All the leaves were turning and the veiw going down there was amazing. We weren't allowed to take pictures in the actual building but here is a shot of the front of the house. I thought it was funny how much pink was in the house. The guide said that back then they called it crimson and it was what rich people had, but it does take awhile to get used to magenta bedspreads in a man's room doesn't it? The gardens were huge and were probably very pretty last summer. They had nearly everything ever imaginable to plant planted there. I did think it was funny to note that they had never picked some of the fruit, and simply left it to rot on the tree. And yay, it was supposed to rain that day, but never did while we were outside.

Monday, October 5, 2009

To the ends of the earth

That is about where we go each year for soccer games. We haven't gone that far away yet but we will have a 2 hour drive coming up. UGHH! On curvy roads, too.

So far both of the Robinson teams are undefeated! Our tournements were last weekend. Nathan played at 9 o'clock in the morning and then again at 12. The first game was something like 4-1 and the second was 1-0. He is having a great year.He scores lots goals but his main problem is, as Mama says, that he takes his Sports Illustrated shot and then won't follow it in. Oh well. Here is Nathan's team last year. They won second place at state. Nathan is the third from the left.

Ben and Katie's tournement was yesterday. The first game was 10-2, our favor. I really hate those games when you pound the other team, but they both played an excellent game. The second game was AMAZING. I loved it! The score was one one most of the time and at the last bit they scored! The teams were evenly matched and it was an all around good game.
Also, Katie and I are refing some of the games this year. We both got certified this summer so that we could. Our first games were Saturday. Both of them went okay but I was so nervous it was awful. I think I called a fair game but I know it wasn't perfect. The best part was that all refs got free meals at the consesion stand.:)
Daddy and I are singing in the chorale in town. It's alot of fun. Our first performance was Friday. Then right after that Mama came and got me to take me to Wal-Mart to meet up with our youth group so I could go with them to Beckley for a concert at a church there. It was so much fun. It was really loud which I didn't like but the music was great.
And thus goes our chaotic life. We all have school and then we try to weave the other stuff in.
The leaves are starting to change and the air is getting cooler. This is probably the prettiest times around here. Well I'm going to do chemistry. (yay!-not)-Hannah

Monday, September 21, 2009


Sorry everybody, I seem to be incapable of getting the captions and pictures to line up so I hope you can peice it all out. Very sorry.-Hannah

Happy 50th!

At the end of August we had a 50th wedding anniversary for mama's family. The highlight of the evening was when Grandmother tried to push rain water off of the top of one of the tents we were using.

She prepares to push it off.

With good success, it just went the wrong way.

Uncle Ray.

Cousin Nixon got tired and since the couches were in use...

Nixon's brother, Jeb.

Aunt Marge.

Aunt Betty.

This is the wedding cake. Isn't it gorgeous?

Granddaddy and Grandmother. I love you!

This is all of the grand kids but one who was at a soccer tournament. Jeb, Katie, Hannah, Lettie, Grandmother, Granddaddy, James, Ben, Nathan, and Nixon.


This is Ben's poker face.

Katie and Jeb. He was fascinated with the camera.

It did rain, but it was fun anyhow. Mama and Aunt Audrey and Uncle Stuart worked about a year on it so it was a really big deal. And, of course, Mama had to ban us from playing cards, tag, soccer, football, and hide and seek and all other such related items.
The funniest bit was the slide show with pictures of our parents in diapers. Adios!-Hannah